Sunday, September 16, 2012

Football and Elder Holland?

BYU versus UofU

Every year, it's the same thing: each team gets pumped up, ready to play in the "Holy War". 
Every year, it seems like the fans get more and more restless and out of hand.

Is this really about a long-standing so-called "friendly" rivalry between two great schools? 
Because most of the time, it doesn't seem that way.
Most of the time, it seems like fans of the winning team are ready and willing to shove another victory into the faces of the losing team's fans, and visa versa. It also seems like the losing team's fans instantly tense up waiting for a chance to defend and make excuses for "their" team. 

It seems like everyone's worst comes out during sports.

I'm secretly (not so, anymore) glad that the rival games are coming to an end. 

That said, I am WAY more impressed with the reaction from my Facebook friends this year! The big lead Utah had, only to have BYU come back in the 4th quarter to make it a close game is definitely one to be remembered. I admit that I was WAY more into the game than I thought I would be. I could hear the yells and the roars coming from down the street, which made me more excited.

I wonder if this change of attitude came from how great the game was, that the rivalry is coming to an end, or perhaps last Sunday's CES devotional from Elder Holland?

I wonder if Elder Holland planned his talk in preparation for the BYU-Utah football game...? He definitely put us all in our place.

Food for thought.

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