Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Perspective - A Life Lesson


Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.
 - Marcus Aurelius

In lieu of the upcoming election, it would do everyone good to remember that perspective matters. I'm not just talking about Republicans vs. Democrats vs. Constitutionalists vs. whoever else may be running despite the slim chance of a victory. Votes will be cast for all parties, and despite what you wholeheartedly believe about the direction this election will take our country - remember that someone else wholeheartedly believes in exactly the opposite. 

What gives us the right to belittle someone else? The way your opinion leans is the culmination of all your life experiences so far, and in effect, determines who you are. Just because someone doesn't have the same opinion as you doesn't mean they are wrong, it just means they have a different life history than you, which is natural and perfectly fine. 

This goes for the news as well. As much as national news should be unbiased and impartial, it's beneficial to remember that newspapers, talk radio and television are run by people - and the unobstructed truth is that people are not perfect. People are biased. People are opinionated. If you don't like it, deal. There's not much you can do about other people, but you CAN do something about how YOU react. 

I want to advocate for world peace... (I'm only slightly kidding) 
But wouldn't it be better if people learned how to tolerate an opinion different than their own?
I'm not saying you shouldn't ever disagree - hold strong! But don't discredit someone's opinion.
People aren't going to remember what you said to them. They're going to remember the way you made them feel.

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